Destro Machines: Swimming Power Championships
The Swimming Power Championships will be a social media competition held all summer long. We will be giving away some fantastic prizes and also updating a leaderboard so you can see where your swimmers stack up against some of the best swimmers in the world.

Team Prizes
1x DM Double Tower
1x DM Single Tower
1x DM SwiMeter2.0
1x 25% off store-wide coupon
5x 15% off store-wide coupon
5x DM 24 X 48 Banner
All entrants receive a 5% off coupon
* Coupons limited to orders up to $12,000
(Example. 25% Off coupon will be limited to $3000 Off
Up to $50,000
Individual Prizes
5x Destro Machines Beanie
5x Destro Machines Tees
Champion Prizes
1st Place: DM Swimming Power Champion Tee, 20% Off Coupon
2 - 5th Place: DM Swimming Power Podium Tee, 10% Off Coupon
*Each age group and gender get the award, excludes strechcord category
Team and Individual prizes will be awarded by random drawing of entrants. Champion prizes will be awarded based off of leaderboard position on the last day for entry, September 31st 2023

Use the chart in the next section to find the appropriate weight for your age and gender
Record and time your 25y from foot to hand. The entire clip must be continuous and unedited.
Show the water level and the complete swim in the video to get credit! Make sure we can see the stopwatch with the final time in the video.
Post the video on Social Media, tag and follow us
Include: First Name, Age, Weight in bucket, & Final Time
Submit the form below
How to Enter
Age Weight
Open Cordz Green
13-14 6 Lines (70 Lbs)
15-16 8 Lines (90 Lbs)
17+ 10 Lines (110 Lbs)
Age Weight
Open Cordz Green
13-14 8 Lines (90 Lbs)
15-16 10 Lines (107 Lbs)
17+ 13 Lines (135 Lbs)